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15、 Zhan-zhi Tofu (Tofu with dipping sauce)  蘸汁豆腐

是豆腐也是人情 Not only tofu but also human warmth


Opposite our company opened a new restaurant. And at noon I made an appointment with a few colleagues for lunch there.


As soon as we came to the entrance, a girl greeted us with a smile and led us to a table.

The girl wore a blue floral blouse, blue pants with wide trousers, black shoes, and a blue headscarf, which formed the featured business suit of the restaurant, and which matched the peculiar shyness of the rural girl in her expression.


She was eighteen or nineteen years old. Her voice was clean and sweet, and her smile was sincere and lovely.


She handed over the menu, and we leaned together to look through it. A colleague asked, "What's delicious, Miss? Recommend it."


The girl pursed her lips, recommended two or three special dishes, and then said, "Our shop's zhan-zhi tofu is very good. The tofu is tender and tastes pure and nutritious. And it can beautify girls' skin if they eat it, and morever, they won't gain weight. How about ordering one?"


Unlike introducing other dishes, by using a lot of words and in an urgent tone, she couldn't seem to wait to describe a serving of zhan-zhi tofu.


"Is it a signature dish?" I looked up and asked her. Her face suddenly turned blushed. She shook her head, and whispered, "No, but..." Her voice hurried again, "I don't want to lie to everyone. It's really delicious. You can taste it."


We all laughed. On the menu, we found a serving of zhan-zhi tofu cost only six dollars, which was not too worth recommending. However, we ordered one.



The dishes came up one after another, including the plate of zhan-zhi tofu. I tasted it, and it was really good. It was not as watery as that sold in the market. The color was good, and the taste was pure. It was like the firm tofu which I had eaten when I was a kid. The dipping sauce was chive flower sauce, which had a pure taste like the one made at home.


he girl did not lie. Although this zhan-zhi tofu was not the signature dish in the restaurant, it was indeed delicious.


At the moment, there were other customers at the next table. The girl went to greet them, and again we heard she recommended them zhan-zhi tofu.


After that, we often came to the restaurant for lunch. The girl had recognized us and no longer recommended deliberately. However, she always tentatively asked, "How about zhan-zhi tofu?" And then, her face would still blush slightly.


ccasionally we refused, but most of the time, we would order one. Such a dish did not cost much money.


We often heard her recommend this dish to new customers. The more words she used, the more fluently she recommended. But we still didn't knew what made her recommend it so hard.


A few days ago, a colleague had her birthday. We asked for a box, but I didn't expect her to serve us.


She said that the girl in charge of the box   asked for a leave, and so she came to replace her. Because of the celebration, we made an exception ordering more expensive dishes. After ordering, she didn't go out immediately but suddenly raised her head asking in a low voice, "Don't you want to order zhan-zhi tofu today?"



We were stunned for a while, and then we all laughed, deliberately trying to tease her. So I asked, "Why do you always recommend that dish? Is it possible that you recommend it so much that you will have a bonus to get?


Over her face immediately came a blush, not the shy blush just as she would, but that with anxiety. And she hurriedly waved her hands, "No, it's not. It's not like that..."


My colleague said, " Then why? If you don't tell us why, we will never order zhan-zhi tofu."


The girl pursed her lips again, lowered her head, pondered for a while, and whispered, "I will tell you why, but you are not allowed to talk about it, please."


After getting our guarantee, she said, "The tofu is made by my father, and my mother made the chive flower sauce. I came to work in the city, but they felt worried and so came here, too. They rented a small house in the city making tofu and chive flower sauce from our hometown. I came to work in the restaurant, and the boss took care of my board and lodging. My parents sent the tofu here. This way, they could see me every day. At first, the boss didn't want it. My   father begged for a long time before the boss agreed to sell it for a period of time. If it sold well, he would keep selling it. If not, just forgot it."


he whispered, "The boss didn't know that I was their daughter..."



At the small box, there was only the girl's thin voice. She was narrating a warm picture about love and survival.


From the countryside was the man who had experienced many vicissitudes of life. He lived in a corner of the city with his wife, soaking beans, grinding tofu, making chive flower sauce every day, and then sending them to this restaurant on a tricycle early in the morning. And their beloved daughter did not dare to be lazy, always getting up early, pretending to meet her parents accidentally, and then helping carry the tofu to the back kitchen.


When there was no one else, her mother would quickly take out some small snacks, fruits, or a change of clothes, and put them into the girl's hand. And every other month, the girl would give her mother some of the money she earned from her work. They had to save up the money to build a new house in their hometown. Meanwhile, her mother would keep some as the girl's dowry.


At last, the girl stopped talking and looked at us timidly.


For a long while, nobody said anything. In the end, Xiao He, who celebrated her birthday, broke the silent scene and said, "Today is my birthday. Please everyone has a serving of zhan-zhi tofu"


The girl looked at her in surprise, and hurriedly waved her hand: "No, no, Ma'am. You will get bored if you eat too much tofu."


"We love to eat, Miss." Xiao He said that she really loved to eat tofu. We went along with her, and then urged her to write it down quickly, one serving for every one of us.


The girl stood there, looking at us. Her tears suddenly fell. While wiping her tears, she smiled embarrassedly. After that, she ran out with the menu.


Since then, every time we went for lunch, no matter whether we met the girl or not, we would have taken the initiative to order zhan-zhi tofu and told those who we knew well that if they went to eat at the home-style restaurant opposite our company, please be sure to order zhan-zhi tofu. It was because in that plate of zhan-zhi tofu, there was a touching story.



上一篇    014、The Empty Gift Box 空禮盒





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